Saturday, March 26, 2022

Spinning Out of Control and Overwhelmed with Life?

Spinning Out of Control and Overwhelmed with Life!

Things go wrong, and we panic because we are no longer in control. You can’t cope with life problems—too much is happening. The challenge of work-life balance! It can feel frightening with overwhelming feelings and feeling as though an anxiety attack is about to overcome you.
Sometimes all you can do is stop, breathe, and stand. When I've had one of those days, that is exactly what I did. Further, I would on the Lord's calm by allowing His love and presence to overcome me like a gentle breeze. He is our peace.
If you are at work, go to the restroom or step outside. Breathe in the fresh air and allow the Holy Spirit to calm your nerves. Do this for about 10 minutes and it should stop the overwhelming feelings. Then concentrate on this scripture, "26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

spinning out of control with anxiety?

coach teresa morin

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Jump Off the Merry-Go-Round of Anxiety, Stress and Depression. Read stories of people who overcome anxiety attacks and excelled in life.

overcome anxiety attacks

get your free copy of the ebook "jump off the Merry-Go-Round of anxiety, stress, and depression

Anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue

Anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue:

Rest in the Lord

Do you suffer from anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue! Sometimes when suffering from anxiety, the body produces too much cortisol. Long-term production of cortisol in the body causes adrenal fatigue.
Why does this happen? If a child grows up with parents that did not give praise, a conditionally loved home, or a parent who may have been passive-aggressive, a child may have walked on eggs. What usually happens in human nature is the child will try to please the parent to get validation and value.
If the child never gets validation and valued, or only in a conditional home, the child grows up with extreme drivenness. At work and home, everything has to be perfect. These people cannot rest without guilt. When a person who is a perfectionist does a project, and they get praise, they cannot receive it and hear that voice saying, “you could have done it better.”
In long-term stress, the body suffers from Adrenal Fatigue. The adrenal glands produce the hormones cortisol as a physical reaction to stress, “flight to fight” responses. Cortisol can also release if there are traumatic events such as rape, physical abuse, growing up, witnessing abuse in the home, etc. The result is the body never stops producing cortisol because the body became trained to stay in constant danger – a continuous rush of energy.
Long-term effects:
• damages our brain and negatively impacts our memory
• suppresses our immune system
• plays havoc with our mood
• sets us up for depression, diabetes, high blood pressure
• sabotages sleep
The sweet remedy that reduces the damaging effects of too much cortisol is the implementation of a rhythm of work and rest. Also, see you don’t have to perform for man to get approval and praise. Know that the Lord loves you and rest in his love.
1 John 4:18 says, “perfect love cast out fear.”

Teresa Morin

Enjoy my ebook for Free.

My heart is to encourage women who suffer from anxiety along with my testimony of overcoming anxiety attacks. This book is full of testimonies to give you hope. Enjoy!

overcome anxiety attacks

click here to get your free copy of the anxiety book

How anxiety affects the brain

How Does Anxiety Affect the Brain

How anxiety affects the brain

Learn how anxiety affects the brain

Did you realize how much anxiety affects your brain health? Anxiety can hyper-activate areas in your brain that detect and respond to threats. At the same time, anxiety might hinder activity in parts of your brain that manage your reaction to fear and stress.
Anxiety Floods Your Brain with Stress Hormones:
• If you don’t get control of your anxiety, this is what is happening in your brain. When your body goes on alert, it prompts your brain to prepare itself for flight or fight mode to fight off whatever has made you anxious.
Anxiety can also make your brain hyperactive:
• Anxiety on a consistent basis, your amygdala grows larger - part of your brain that deals with emotions and moods.
• The amygdala notices potential danger, it sends signals to the hypothalamus, which triggers a fight or flight response.
• When the amygdala is large and hypersensitive, it sends a lot of false alarms – generalized anxiety.
Anxiety Can Make It Hard for Your Brain to Reason Rationally:
• Anxiety weakens the connections between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) – your reasoning center.
• The prefrontal cortex is overstressed, the rational, problem-solving part of the brain isn’t heard, which leads to irrational thoughts and erratic behavior.

Anxiety Can Train Your Brain to Hold Onto Negative Memories:

• Stress shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes long-term and contextual memory. Now, the brain cannot hold onto the memory. The anxiety attacks trick the hippocampus into thinking that memories related to anxiety are safe to store and remember. This means your brain remembers failure, threat, and danger. Then, easily triggered when you feel insecure in making a decision, such as overthinking, self-doubt, or projecting fear into the future. Now, your brain remembers all your failures, threats, and danger.
Isn’t it time to get FREE from anxiety? Learn about my program, “Kick Out Anxiety! Step Into God Promised Peace in 90 days. If you are interested and would like to do a free assessment, check out my website and my Anxious2Victorious Women Coaching Program

Teresa Morin

Plus, remove the blocks to have a better relationship with the Lord and reach your destiny in life.

Get Your Free Copy on Real Testimonies of Women Who Overcame Anxiety!

Their are many stories and testimonies of women suffering from overcome anxiety attacks. The reason for this book is to give you hope in the Power of the Lord.

Overcome anxiety attacks

Get your free copy of my book on anxiety

Stop the People Pleaser Mentality

 Stop the People Pleaser Mentality 

God is our peace when we wrestle with anxiety

Stuck in the invisible chains of anxiety?

Do you feel stuck under the invisible chains of anxiety, excessive worry, and self-doubt, along with an out-of-control bombardment of negative thoughts, and now feel so worn out? Want to overcome anxiety attacks?
Do you have a dream to be everything the Lord has for you in either your career or serving Him? Now, you feel as though the clock is ticking. Now, you feel stuck, frustrated, and unable to move forward?
These pecky, anxious thoughts trap you in an endless cycle. Do you cry out, “Why God, why me?” Other times, you feel abandoned by God. You say to God, “Where are you, God? What did I do wrong?”

You didn’t do anything wrong. At one time, I suffered from anxiety. I feared what people would think if I said “no.” My mom used to accuse me of being a rug rat – allowing people to take advantage of me. You see, I never was myself. You can say I was the people pleaser to keep the peace and harmony or afraid of people rejecting me. Can you relate?
I had overwhelming, anxious, negative feelings that kept me awake at night. My mind was racing, thinking of what I said or did, worrying did I anything wrong. You could say I was very self-conscious. At night, I would say, “Why did I say it that way, beating myself up.” Can you relate?
I did overcome anxiety with someone’s help through a Christian coaching system. The coach showed me why I suffered from these negative feelings of anxiety, the spiritual roots. I learned to love myself and not play into the enemy's lies.


I didn’t finish college! You would have thought I did after so much healing favor from the Lord. God opened doors to a great career, along with launching two ministries.
I self-taught myself in the web industry and became a senior web content manager at a community college. 2005 I launched my first 501C3 nonprofit healing and deliverance ministry, the second in 2011. The Lord opens more open doors, traveling to other countries, sharing the gospel, ministering healing and deliverance, plus USA conferences. I entered God’s best in my life with peace and confidence.
Wouldn’t you like to reach God’s best in your life and remove the invisible chains of anxiety, excessive worry, or the people pleaser because of self-doubt?
I currently have a few places available for my group and 1:1 coaching. All you have to do is sign up for the FREE 45-minute strategy session with me. I know you will be a good fit, plus you won’t be walking alone! All you have to do is direct message me saying, “I’m In.”
Then, be on the road to a great destiny in your career, ministry, or both! Are you ready!
May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text that says 'Hope'
Cynthia Hamilton Slaboda and 1 other

Change Is Good When It is God Ordained

 Change Is Good When It is God Ordained

Change is good. women walking out of a cage on a landing

I used to work full-time for a college and run a ministry in the evenings and weekends, plus drive over 30 miles each way fighting traffic. It got old. I told the Lord I needed an answer to prayer.
My ministry took me to Mexico, Honduras, Canada, Caribbean Islands, Philippines, and China, doing conferences, plus a meeting in the local area two times a year. I’ve received many invitations in the world. Working full-time and getting older made it difficult.

Well, the college went through a reorganization. Whew, what a stressful time. Everyone had to reapply for their position or interview for a new job if the position no longer existed. The process took months. It was too much.
Anyway, I didn’t realize I qualified for retirement. I took it. I prayed, and the Lord led me to KBA. This organization helps you find your nitch and develop it so that you are in control of your destiny and purpose.
In July, under Teresa Morin Coaching, I launched my program. “Kick Out Anxiety! Step Into God’s Promised Peace!” I had five students doing one-on-one with me. It was a great success. Now, I’m launching, instead of the one-on-one, a zoom group setting. I’m currently in control of my life - no more traveling 60 miles a day, whew exhausting.
My burning desire is to help people break the chains of anxiety, negative thoughts of worry, self-doubt, self-critical voice FAST to experience God’s peace in your abilities actually to use the giftings.
Want the chains broken holding you back to transform into a more focused, purposeful confident woman with peace in God reaching your full potential? Are you tired of people-pleasing and fear of saying “no?” How about the “what ifs? Is your self-critical voice causing you to beat yourself up? Are you more concerned about what people might think, and you don’t step out when He tells you to? How about the excessive worrier that steals your joy and peace? Isn’t it time to do something about it?
Let me ask you this. Are you confidently moving forward toward your God-Given talents, or is something holding you back.

My program helps explore spiritual roots, issues, etc., to discover and break free from the invisible barriers holding you back.

If I can do this too, so can you!
Do you love to read especially on the subject of anxiety? I've written a book on real-life stories of people who have overcome anxiety, excessive worry, and depression. I’m giving away my book to anyone who would love a copy.

author teresa morin

Get your free gift today1

Read testimonies of women who have overcome anxiety, stress, and depression.

free anxiety ebook

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Learn How to Overcome a Spirit of Fear


free anxiety book - be anxious for nothing

If you are an anxious woman, I would love for you to do a FREE survey with me.  Example:
  • Worrying about everything
  • Overthinker
  • Have self-doubt
  • Procrastinator
  • Self-critical voice
and causes anxiousness.

* Required