Showing posts with label stress shrinks the amygdala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress shrinks the amygdala. Show all posts

Saturday, March 26, 2022

How anxiety affects the brain

How Does Anxiety Affect the Brain

How anxiety affects the brain

Learn how anxiety affects the brain

Did you realize how much anxiety affects your brain health? Anxiety can hyper-activate areas in your brain that detect and respond to threats. At the same time, anxiety might hinder activity in parts of your brain that manage your reaction to fear and stress.
Anxiety Floods Your Brain with Stress Hormones:
• If you don’t get control of your anxiety, this is what is happening in your brain. When your body goes on alert, it prompts your brain to prepare itself for flight or fight mode to fight off whatever has made you anxious.
Anxiety can also make your brain hyperactive:
• Anxiety on a consistent basis, your amygdala grows larger - part of your brain that deals with emotions and moods.
• The amygdala notices potential danger, it sends signals to the hypothalamus, which triggers a fight or flight response.
• When the amygdala is large and hypersensitive, it sends a lot of false alarms – generalized anxiety.
Anxiety Can Make It Hard for Your Brain to Reason Rationally:
• Anxiety weakens the connections between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) – your reasoning center.
• The prefrontal cortex is overstressed, the rational, problem-solving part of the brain isn’t heard, which leads to irrational thoughts and erratic behavior.

Anxiety Can Train Your Brain to Hold Onto Negative Memories:

• Stress shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes long-term and contextual memory. Now, the brain cannot hold onto the memory. The anxiety attacks trick the hippocampus into thinking that memories related to anxiety are safe to store and remember. This means your brain remembers failure, threat, and danger. Then, easily triggered when you feel insecure in making a decision, such as overthinking, self-doubt, or projecting fear into the future. Now, your brain remembers all your failures, threats, and danger.
Isn’t it time to get FREE from anxiety? Learn about my program, “Kick Out Anxiety! Step Into God Promised Peace in 90 days. If you are interested and would like to do a free assessment, check out my website and my Anxious2Victorious Women Coaching Program

Teresa Morin

Plus, remove the blocks to have a better relationship with the Lord and reach your destiny in life.

Get Your Free Copy on Real Testimonies of Women Who Overcame Anxiety!

Their are many stories and testimonies of women suffering from overcome anxiety attacks. The reason for this book is to give you hope in the Power of the Lord.

Overcome anxiety attacks

Get your free copy of my book on anxiety