Saturday, March 26, 2022

Anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue

Anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue:

Rest in the Lord

Do you suffer from anxiety and Adrenal Fatigue! Sometimes when suffering from anxiety, the body produces too much cortisol. Long-term production of cortisol in the body causes adrenal fatigue.
Why does this happen? If a child grows up with parents that did not give praise, a conditionally loved home, or a parent who may have been passive-aggressive, a child may have walked on eggs. What usually happens in human nature is the child will try to please the parent to get validation and value.
If the child never gets validation and valued, or only in a conditional home, the child grows up with extreme drivenness. At work and home, everything has to be perfect. These people cannot rest without guilt. When a person who is a perfectionist does a project, and they get praise, they cannot receive it and hear that voice saying, “you could have done it better.”
In long-term stress, the body suffers from Adrenal Fatigue. The adrenal glands produce the hormones cortisol as a physical reaction to stress, “flight to fight” responses. Cortisol can also release if there are traumatic events such as rape, physical abuse, growing up, witnessing abuse in the home, etc. The result is the body never stops producing cortisol because the body became trained to stay in constant danger – a continuous rush of energy.
Long-term effects:
• damages our brain and negatively impacts our memory
• suppresses our immune system
• plays havoc with our mood
• sets us up for depression, diabetes, high blood pressure
• sabotages sleep
The sweet remedy that reduces the damaging effects of too much cortisol is the implementation of a rhythm of work and rest. Also, see you don’t have to perform for man to get approval and praise. Know that the Lord loves you and rest in his love.
1 John 4:18 says, “perfect love cast out fear.”

Teresa Morin

Enjoy my ebook for Free.

My heart is to encourage women who suffer from anxiety along with my testimony of overcoming anxiety attacks. This book is full of testimonies to give you hope. Enjoy!

overcome anxiety attacks

click here to get your free copy of the anxiety book

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